Holiday Gift Guide | For The Chef's Garden
For the Chef’s Garden
This set is perfect for any gardener, the novice or seasoned pro! Edible greens and vegetables along with tasty herbs will get any gardener in the kitchen, making great use of that green thumb. These herb shears have been a staple in our own home for years and tiny terra cotta pots placed right in the kitchen window are just the thing for these edible herbs! For purchase info, click links below:
L:R | Colorful Veggie Garden Seed Collection, 12 Pack | 3 inch Terra Cotta Pots, Set of 9 (pictured item is vintage) | Herb Garden Seed Collection, 10 Pack | Herb Scissors |
My go-to gift wrap this holiday, shown here:
Unfinished Walnut Box (2 pack) | Aspen Wood Excelsior (BULK)
Only needing to wrap one present?
Individual Unfinished Walnut Box | Aspen Wood Excelsior (4 oz bag)